
c/o F-83, AFDP, University of Alberta
Central Receiving
116st, 85ave
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3

Dawn has an MMUS from Northwestern University and worked from 2017 – 2021 as the U of A Heritage Chicken Program Coordinator. With extensive experience as a newspaper and magazine writer and editor, Dawn is the scribe for the PIP team. Duties include transcribing minutes, creating action lists, organizing team ideas and projects, editing, writing articles, and interviewing subjects for the People of Poultry series in the PIP newsletter. Dawn also assists in PIP tech transfer initiatives. After decades of performing and teaching music, Dawn worked as a writer and copy editor for the Gulf Islands Driftwood newspaper and Aqua magazine. Her family raised heritage chickens and turkeys and Dawn worked with the 4H program as leader and parent volunteer. With her experience in organizing community groups, educating, writing, editing, promotion and raising chickens, the HCP Coordinator position was a great fit and led to her administrative and editorial position with the PIP team.  Dawn has expanded her writing portfolio with multiple series in the PIP newsletter, including the recent Experiential Learning profiles. Participating in PIP team projects and completing courses in Knowledge Mobilization and Facilitation have rounded out her skill set, and she is excited to continue learning and growing as a member of the dynamic PIP team.

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