Alberta Chicken Producers

Partner Since 1986

Alberta Chicken Producers is a farmer-run, not-for-profit marketing board that regulates broiler chicken production in Alberta. Alberta Chicken Producers is comprised of 250 regulated chicken producers.  Our farmers are committed to the care of their birds and to providing consumers with safe, high- quality chicken.

All registered producers must follow national food safety and animal care programs, which are audited annually by third party auditors; and, they must maintain their certification under these programs as a condition of their licenses to produce chicken.

Alberta Chicken Producers license and register all producers, hatcheries and processors engaged in the production of regulated product in Alberta.

Our mission

Serve Alberta’s chicken producers by collaborating with key stakeholders to:

Create a thriving environment for sustainable chicken production

Encourage a competitive, consumer-focused value chain.

Advisory Board Representative: Rob Renema
Address: 2518 Ellwood Drive SW Edmonton, AB T6X 0A9
Phone: 780-488-2125