Mohammad Afrouziyeh


c/o F-83, AFDP, University of Alberta
Central Receiving
116st, 85ave
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3

Mohammad Afrouziyeh

Research Associate

University of Alberta

Mohammad is the PIP team Research Associate with extensive experience in poultry nutrition. He writes science articles for this newsletter and works on developing adaptations and recommendations to support the adoption of new managerial tools, products, services, and practices by the poultry industry.

Looking at his poultry industry perspective, Mohammad has been serving the poultry industry through his extensive experience in feed formulation as an animal nutritionist over the past ten years. He was also a university lecturer for 10 years. Mohammad is a member of the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) at the U of A, and also, he is a member of Alberta Academic Reviewers, reviewing scientific manuscripts. Mohammad graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Animal Science from the University of Alberta with a Postdoctoral fellowship before moving to his Research Associate position with the PIP team. Serving the poultry industry as an animal nutritionist for more than a decade, Mohammad loves teaching and worked as a university lecturer in Iran and a teaching assistant at the U of A. Mohammad was inspired by Dr. Frank Robinson, practicing the inquiry-based learning method when working as a TA in his “Principles of Animal Agriculture” class. “I have a strong passion on poultry nutrition and have always loved to help poultry producers with optimizing the poultry systems. The challenging part of working with live animals is that you need to be on call even as a nutritionist. However, the joy of seeing healthy animals and help with their welfare overcome the challenging part.”